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2-INF-164 IT quality management
Odporúčaný ročník: 1.
Semester: letný
Rozsah: P2
Hodnotenie: 0/100
Počet kreditov: 4
Vyučujúci:prednáša Dr. Josef Withalm
www stránka:


Strategic Impact of quality and to become aquainted with a system development method including Software Quality Procedures. Furthermore the student will be familiarized with methods to assess on the one hand the Quality of SW products and on the other hand the maturity of SW development organizations.


In the first part of the lecture the perception of quality will be introduced. Especially the following main issues will be tackled:

The second part focuses on SW quality assurance which bases on a development process. Besides project planning and administrating all important quality related procedures as

will be introduced.
Furthermore methods to assess the quality of SW products as

will be presented.
Finally methods to assess a SW development organization including

will be revealed.

Norman E.Fenton: SW-Metrics
Tom de Marco: Peopleware
Bell, Morrey, Pugh: SW-Engineering
Grady, Caswell: SW-Metrics establishing a company-wide Program
Tom de Marco: Controlling SW-Projects

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